Risk Disclosure

Welcome to PropFTX, a platform that offers fractional property investment opportunities in India. Before you proceed with any investment on our platform, it is essential to understand the associated risks. This Risk Disclaimer is intended to inform you about potential risks involved in fractional property investment. By using our services and participating in any investment activities, you acknowledge and accept the following risks:

Market Risk: The value of real estate properties can fluctuate, and the performance of your investment may be influenced by market conditions. Economic, regulatory, and political changes can affect property values.

Illiquidity: Fractional property investments may be less liquid than traditional financial assets. It may be difficult to sell or transfer your investment before the end of 150 days upon investment period.

Property Management: The management of the property, including maintenance, repairs, and tenant occupancy, can impact your investment returns. Property management issues can lead to financial losses or lower rental income.

Regulatory and Legal Risks: Changes in laws and regulations related to property ownership, leasing, or taxation in India can affect your investment. Local and national regulations can vary, and compliance may be complex.

Currency Risk: If you invest in a property located in India from another country, exchange rate fluctuations can impact the value of your investment when converted into your home currency.

Market Volatility: If you invest in a property located in India from another country, exchange rate fluctuations can impact the value of your investment when converted into your home currency.

Tenant Risk: Vacancies, non-payment of rent, or tenant-related issues can affect your rental income and investment returns.

Diversification Risk: It's essential to diversify your investment portfolio to manage risk. Investing solely in fractional properties may not provide adequate diversification

Default Risk: If you are investing in a mortgage-backed property, there is a risk of borrower default, which can affect your investment returns.

Interest Rate Risk: Fluctuations in interest rates can impact the cost of financing for properties and affect property values.

Technology and Platform Risk: Our platform, like any digital service, is subject to potential technical issues, outages, or security breaches that could disrupt or compromise your investment experience.

Taxation Risk: The tax implications of your investments can be complex and subject to change. It is your responsibility to understand the tax implications and to comply with tax regulations.

Past Performance: Historical investment performance should not be seen as a guarantee of future results. Past performance does not predict future returns accurately.

By using our platform and participating in fractional property investments in India, you acknowledge these risks and agree to conduct due diligence and seek professional advice when necessary. You understand that there are no guarantees of profits and that you can potentially lose some or all of your investment. It is essential to assess your risk tolerance and financial situation before making any investment decisions.
Please consult with financial and legal professionals to ensure you understand the risks associated with fractional property investment in India and to make informed investment decisions. This Risk Disclaimer is not exhaustive, and additional risks may apply based on your specific investment circumstances.
Our platform offers fractional property investment opportunities in India, but it's crucial to recognize the associated risks. By using our services, you acknowledge potential market fluctuations, illiquidity, property management challenges, regulatory and legal uncertainties, currency exchange risks, market volatility, tenant issues, limited diversification, default and interest rate risks, technology and platform vulnerabilities, taxation complexities, and the lack of a guarantee of future performance. You may lose some or all of your investment, and it's essential to seek professional advice and evaluate your risk tolerance and financial situation before investing. This Risk Disclaimer is not exhaustive, and additional risks may apply.